Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How To Be A Genius (or fake it)

Ever see a business come up with a great new product or service and ask yourself how they came up with it?

It must take some kind of genius to do that, right?  You have to have exceptional intellectual or creative power, obviously.

The trouble with true "genius" is that it appears that you have to be born with it.  If you're not, you're simply out of luck.  To be frank - most of us are not geniuses (hence the "exceptional" nature of genius).

I do think that it takes a flexible and imaginative mindset in order to develop revolutionary products and services.  However,  I don't think that it takes true "genius" to do it.  If it did require that, we'd have a whole lot less innovation in the world.

What I think is critical is customer centricity, and this something we can learn and adopt as a point of view.

This is how we fake being geniuses.
Dogs need waffles.  DogWaffleHouse.  GENIUS!
You see, when you are customer centric, you can examine the problems and needs of your customers, and devise new ways to meet them.

It might be a new product or service is needed, or it could just be a new way to deliver an existing product or service.  For example:
  • Is your business a brick-and-mortar where customers come to you?  Maybe you need to figure out how to bring your product or service to your customer.
  • Do you sell a product, but perhaps other products or services are needed in order to make it easier for your customer to use it?
  • Is there some inconvenience your customers put up with that you can solve?
If you can fix the problem (and sometimes customers don't know they have it, or they think that's just the way it has to be) - wouldn't you look like a genius?

Adopt the customer centric mindset, and fake being a genius.

Your customers (and your wallet) will thank you!

Got any great examples of customer centricity faking genius?  Let me know in the comments below!

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