Today, I'm going to start up a new series on this blog, based upon a speech topic I've been developing.
It's called the Fear of Marketing (FoM). This comes from my experience in working with my clients, in my corporate marketing jobs, and observing small businesses around me.
I think that lots of us are just terrified of marketing!
Lots of us are are confused and overwhelmed by channel choices and best practice, or really afraid of making a huge mistake that will ruin our businesses, or, somebody will find what we're doing offensive or hurtful.
FoM posts will be about this - how to get over being afraid.
Because, my friends, you can't run or grow your business with no marketing. Let me say that again.
Yet, time and again, we avoid doing great marketing (or any marketing at all) because we're afraid.
Keep this one thing in mind, as you see FoM posts:
Doing marketing is not like getting a tattoo. Most of our marketing is temporary and fleeting, to be published and forgotten as we come up with the latest and greatest. It is the exceedingly rare campaign of any kind (great or awful) that is remembered past its execution period.
So don't let fear stop you from doing something potentially great!
Can't wait to explore this topic more! Do you have any True Tales of Frightful Marketing? Have you ever let your fear stop you from growing your business? Let me know!